,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Exploring Dribdat, the Hackathon Platform
You can use the grey arrows which will appear to the left to undo or redo your choices. After exploring one choice, you can access the menu to explore the other choices. The choices you have already visited will be pink when you hover over them.
[[Before you start, click here.]]
Is this your first hackathon?
[[Yes, this is my first hackathon.]]
[[No - I've participated in a hackathon before.]]
[[What is Dribdat?]]What would you like to learn about first?
[[Please explain to me what a hackathon is exactly.]]
[[The hackathon timeline.]]
[[Profiles – important for team formation!]]
[[Communicating with other Participants.]]
[[What is Dribdat?]]
[[I don't like interactivity. Please link me to a traditional manual.]]
[[I'm done. I will come back if I have questions.]]Would you like to see how to use Dribdat for the following actions?
[[The hackathon timeline.]]
[[Profiles – important for team formation!]]
[[Communicating with other Participants.]]
[[What is Dribdat?]]
[[I don't like interactivity. Please link me to a traditional manual.]]
[[I'm done. I will come back if I have questions.]]In order to see the CHALLENGES, <img src="login.jpg" width="" height="" alt="login"> into the white menu area below using the email you registered with, FIRST go to the menu and CLICK ON <img src="challenges.jpg" width="" height="" alt="challenges">.
Scroll down the black area for more instructions.
(link: "click here to visit the page")[(goto-url: 'https://bd.hack4socialgood.ch/event/1#top')]
These are challenges you can join for this hackathon. Afterwards on Dribdat, you can click on the challenge tiles to read about them. If you want to look at them in this instruction window, you will have to use the arrows of your browser window (left of your URL address bar) to go back and forth on the individual challenge pages.
[[More about challenges.|Challenges]]In order to see the other PARTICIPANTS, <img src="login.jpg" width="" height="" alt="login"> into the white menu area below using the email you registered with, FIRST go to the menu and CLICK ON <img src="challenges.jpg" width="" height="" alt="challenges">. Scroll to the VERY BOTTOM of the white area and click on <img src="participants.jpg" width="115" height="24" alt="participants"> (to the right above the clock).
Scroll down the black area for more instructions.
(link: "click here to visit the page and log in")[(goto-url: 'https://bd.hack4socialgood.ch/')]
These are participants who have already joined projects. Afterwards on Dribdat, you can click on their names to see their full profiles and information. If you want to look at them in this instruction window, you will have to use the arrows of your browser window (left of your URL address bar) to go back and forth to individual participant pages.
[[More about profiles.|Profiles – important for team formation!]]
[[More about challenges.|Challenges]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]The word hackathon is a combination of the words “hacking” and “marathon”.
A Hackathon is an event which includes creative problem solving, often involving technology, within a short-term time frame centered around challenges on a specific topic or from a specific community done by fluid teams of people bringing different skills and perspectives to the issue.
Hackathons are held by large multinationals and small non-profit groups alike.
Hackathon collaborations often result in useful apps or other tools that help solve everyday problems as well as more esoteric problems.
[[I want to know about Hack4socialgood.]]
[[I'd like to read more about hackathons.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]] Here you will find our online manual, which can be read from start to finish or accessed by the index. Instructions specifically for all participants are under green headings like this <img src="green.jpg" width="" height="" alt="green heading">.
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTNGOLYVM4qeuHNT_9bK6PWyQ6G6TKA3T8xkyumG9G_IfAMG_XVZbzlrd_GwMp-9JAsNecue6eHM-OL/pub" width="125%" height="600" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
(link: "click here to visit site")[(goto-url: 'https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTNGOLYVM4qeuHNT_9bK6PWyQ6G6TKA3T8xkyumG9G_IfAMG_XVZbzlrd_GwMp-9JAsNecue6eHM-OL/pub')]
[[I'm done. I will come back if I have questions.]] Thank you. Please evaluate three factors from this experience.
<iframe src="https://fdier.co/rGgOmk?no_header=true" width="125%" height="650" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
(link: "Click here to continue to the Dribdat site.")[(goto-url: 'https://bd.hack4socialgood.ch')]<iframe src="https://hackathon.guide" width="125%" height="600" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
(link: "click here to visit site")[(goto-url: 'https://hackathon.guide')]
[[I want to know about Hack4socialgood.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]] Which other topics would you like to learn about?
[[Please explain to me what a hackathon is exactly.]]
[[The hackathon timeline.]]
[[Profiles – important for team formation!]]
[[Communicating with other Participants.]]
[[What is Dribdat?]]
[[I don't like interactivity. Please link me to a traditional manual.]]
[[I'm done. I will come back if I have questions.]]What’s it about?
It's about a more inclusive digital world.
Digitalisation creates new challenges and opportunities and it is important that social organisations keep up with the pace of change. Unfortunately, social service professionals are often unfamiliar with the possibilities while technical specialists are unaware of the social sector’s needs. The Hack4SocialGood will bridge that gap.
At the Hack4SocialGood individuals from the social and technical sectors will work together to solve Challenges given by Social Sector organizations to develop prototypes of useful digital tools.
[[I'd like to read more about hackathons.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]] Dribdat is a home platform used for the collaboration and data generated during a hackathon. The interactions and information are coordinated and stored through Dribdat, which stands for "driven by data".
The thumbs up in the logo <img src="dribdatname.jpg" width="" height="" alt="dribdatname"> represents how data can be used as a positive driving factor in addressing challenges.
On the website the <img src="dribdatthumbs.jpg" width="" height="" alt="dribdatthumbs"> in the upper left is the home button.
The (link: "creators of Dribdat")[(goto-url: 'https://github.com/hackathons-ftw/dribdat')] made the software open-source, which means it is free for anyone to use it, and anyone can make a modified version to use in a different way. It's a flexible and creative tool for finding flexible and creative solutions. It depends on (link: "contributions")[(goto-url: 'https://opencollective.com/dribdat')].
[[Easter eggs.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]If you want to display your profile picture on Dribdat, you can create a gravatar (globally recognized avatar that shows across multiple platforms). You will need to make an account with WordPress using your registration email and then add your profile picture to that. If you already have a WordPress account for that email, dribdat will use that image.
(link: "Click here to visit the site and set up your gravatar.")[(goto-url: 'https://en.gravatar.com')]
[[More about profiles.|Profiles – important for team formation!]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]This interactive guide to Dribdat works best on Firefox (preferred), Safari or Chromium. In order to use this guide, you should first sign into Dribdat in a separate window on the same browser of those three which you wish to use for this guide.
To do this, open an extra window and copy and paste https://bd.hack4socialgood.ch/ into it. In order to sign in for the first time, click on <img src="login.jpg" width="" height="" alt="login"> far right in the menu and use the email you registered for the hackathon with. Do NOT logout and come back to this guide.
These are images of what the login pages will look like.
<img src="login-page.jpg" width="399.87" height="208" alt="login-page"> <img src="mslogin.jpg" width="271.14" height="208" alt="mslogin"> <img src="githublogin.jpg" width="269.72" height="208" alt="githublogin">
Success looks like this. <img src="loggedin.jpg" width="399.87" height="208" alt="loggedin">
[[Return to the guide.|A Hackathon on the Dribdat Platform]]Find the
[[Schedule with links to the online meetings.]]
[[Countdown clock.]]At a hackathon, it is important to be able to recognize in a short time how we can help each other solve a challenge. Profiles are shorthand for this process. The risk is that when we pre-assign roles, we fail to see the potential lurking in the less obvious and more outlandish possibilities. Keep both these things in mind when defining yourself and others.
Learn about
[[Creating your profile - important for team formation.]]
[[Adding your profile picture on Dribdat.]]
[[Seeing who is working on which challenge so far.]]Learn about
[[Exploring the challenges.]]
[[Seeing who is working on which challenge so far.]]
[[Participating in a challenge.]]Communication occurs on Microsoft (MS) Teams. The Bernerfachhochschule MS Team for the event is called "Hack4SocialGood 2020". Communication with everyone occurs in the channel "General".
Communication between the members of a challenge team occurs on a channel named after their challenge on Microsoft (MS) Teams (Hack4Social Good 2020 Team of the Bernerfachhochschule) in which the challenge team can communicate with each other and exchange information and ideas.
I want to learn about
[[MS Teams.]]
[[Hackathon-wide meetings.]]
[[Calling channel or smaller meetings.]]
[[Challenge channels.]]
[[The Dribdat Contact button|Contact button]]
[[The Dribdat Source button|Source button]]
[[Avoiding bloopers in MS Teams|Avoid bloopers.]]In order to see the online schedule with links for meetings, <img src="login.jpg" width="" height="" alt="login"> into the white menu area below using the email you registered with, FIRST go to the menu and CLICK <img src="resources.jpg" width="" height="" alt="resources">. You can scroll in the white area for more. Follow green Directlinks to access the video calls on Microsoft (MS) Teams.
(link: "click here to visit the page")[(goto-url: 'https://bd.hack4socialgood.ch/event/1#resources')]
[[Read about the countdown clock.|Countdown clock.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]The countdown clock measures the time remaining until the end of the hackathon, and it looks like <img src="clock.jpg" width="239.34" height="40" alt="clock">. It is located at the top of the Home tab page <img src="dribdatthumbs.jpg" width="" height="" alt="dribdatthumbs"> and at the bottom of the pages for Challenges and Resources.
[[Read about the schedule with links.|Schedule with links to the online meetings.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]In order to create your PROFILE, <img src="login.jpg" width="" height="" alt="login"> into the white area below using the email you registered with, go to the menu and click on <img src="profile.jpg" width="75" height="24" alt="profile">. Then click the box <img src="edit-profile.jpg" width="250" height="30" alt="edit-profile">. Scroll down in the black area for the next instructions.
(link: "click here to visit the page and log in")[(goto-url: 'https://bd.hack4socialgood.ch/')]
First pick your role, one you can fill on a team: practical designer, developer/coder, ideator, researcher/data analyst, hack staff. Others will see the icon of your role, and this will make it easier to find team members as needed.
Scroll down the white area to fill in all the blanks and add a short user name.
Don't forget to hit <img src="save-changes.jpg" width="" height="" alt="save-changes"> at the very bottom of the white area!
[[More about profiles.|Profiles – important for team formation!]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]You are interested in
[[Joining a challenge.]]
[[Filling in a challenge page.]]
[[Updating a challenge page.]]
[[Basic information about challenges.|Challenges]]In order to join a CHALLENGE, <img src="login.jpg" width="" height="" alt="login"> into the white menu area below using the email you registered with, FIRST go to the menu and CLICK <img src="challenges.jpg" width="" height="" alt="challenges">.
Scroll down the black area for more instructions.
(link: "click here to visit the page")[(goto-url: 'https://bd.hack4socialgood.ch/event/1#top')]
Click on the challenge tile <img src="tile.jpg" width="50" height="45" alt="tile"> you are interested in, scrolling within the white area to find one. On the page describing the challenge, look in the upper right corner and click on <img src="join.jpg" width="71" height="40" alt="join">. This challenge will now appear in your profile, and your profile brick will appear on the participants page.
If you wish to leave a challenge, you just click on the grey star in the bar <img src="project-update.jpg" width="233.44" height="40" alt="project-update">.
[[Contact button]]
[[Source button]]
[[More about participating in a challenge.|Participating in a challenge.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]In order to fill in a CHALLENGE, <img src="login.jpg" width="" height="" alt="login"> into the white menu area below using the email you registered with, FIRST go to the menu and CLICK <img src="challenges.jpg" width="" height="" alt="challenges">.
Scroll down the black area for more instructions.
(link: "click here to visit the page")[(goto-url: 'https://bd.hack4socialgood.ch/event/1#top')]
Click on the Edit button of <img src="project-update.jpg" width="233.44" height="40" alt="project-update">. Scroll down within the white area and fill out the information. In "Contact" you can provide the link to your challenge's chat channel. In "Source" you can provide the link to your repository of code and data in github.
You can also access the challenge you have joined from your profile.
Don't forget to hit <img src="save-changes.jpg" width="" height="" alt="save-changes"> at the very bottom of the white area!
[[Contact button]]
[[Source button]]
[[More about participating in a challenge.|Participating in a challenge.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]You should regularly report your PROGRESS in a CHALLENGE. <img src="login.jpg" width="" height="" alt="login"> into the white menu area below using the email you registered with, FIRST go to the menu and CLICK <img src="challenges.jpg" width="" height="" alt="challenges">.
Scroll down the black area for more instructions.
(link: "click here to visit the page")[(goto-url: 'https://bd.hack4socialgood.ch/event/1#top')]
Click on the Post button of <img src="project-update.jpg" width="233.44" height="40" alt="project-update">. Scroll down within the white area and document your progress stage and what you are doing now.
You can also access the challenge you have joined from your profile.
Don't forget to hit <img src="save-changes.jpg" width="" height="" alt="save-changes"> at the very bottom of the white area!
[[More about participating in a challenge.|Participating in a challenge.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]Everyone must be on the same platforms to ensure supple communication at the hackathon.
If you don't have it, download and install the free version of MS Teams by (link: "clicking here to visit site.")[(goto-url: 'https://www.microsoft.com/de-ch/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/download-app')] For this you will need a Microsoft account, which you can sign up for free if you don't have one yet.
Next follow the group invitation you received from the email "Microsoft Teams noreply@email.teams.microsoft.com". You are in when you see the team «Hack4SocialGood 2020» and its list of challenge channels.
Here are some MS Teams tips:
<iframe src="https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/five-things-to-do-first-with-your-teams-free-org-2197d755-8af0-44f0-9b65-563c1eea51dc" width="125%" height="600" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
(link: "click here to visit site")[(goto-url: 'https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/five-things-to-do-first-with-your-teams-free-org-2197d755-8af0-44f0-9b65-563c1eea51dc')]
[[More about communicating|Communicating with other Participants.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]] Here are some tips on what to watch out for when you are tired and in a hurry on MS Teams. Scroll to read in this window.
<iframe src="https://storyals.com/blog/5-mistakes-using-microsoft-teams" width="125%" height="600" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
[[More about communicating|Communicating with other Participants.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]] What is the [[Information button]] at the bottom of the site?
What is the [[Community tab.]]
[[More about Dribdat.|What is Dribdat?]] The <img src="information.jpg" width="" height="" alt="information"> buttons lead to the external page about the event which is on the website of the host, the Berner Fachhochschule.
<iframe src="https://www.bfh.ch/de/aktuell/veranstaltungen/hack4socialgood/" width="125%" height="600" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
(link: "click here to visit site")[(goto-url: 'https://www.bfh.ch/de/aktuell/veranstaltungen/hack4socialgood/')]
[[What is the Community Tab?|Community tab.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]The <img src="community.jpg" width="" height="" alt="community"> tab leads to an external page hosting our community forum which supports open data. (link: "Click here to visit the site.")[(goto-url: 'https://forum.opendata.ch/t/11-12-12-hack4socialgood/624')]
[[What is the Information button?|Information button]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]This button on Dribdat looks like this <img src="contact.jpg" width="" height="" alt="contact">
and is located at the bottom of each Dribdat challenge page
and links to the channel on Microsoft (MS) Teams in which the challenge team can communicate with each other and exchange information and ideas.
You can get this link by right-clicking on the name of your channel in Microsoft Teams and choosing the bottom option "Get link to channel".
<img src="channel-link.jpg" width="" height="" alt="channel-link">
[[More about communicating|Communicating with other Participants.]]
[[More about participating in a challenge.|Participating in a challenge.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]This button on Dribdat looks like this <img src="source.jpg" width="" height="" alt="source">
and is located at the bottom of each Dribdat challenge page
and links to your repository for code and data on github or elsewhere.
[[More about communicating|Communicating with other Participants.]]
[[More about participating in a challenge.|Participating in a challenge.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]In order to see the online schedule with links for meetings, <img src="login.jpg" width="" height="" alt="login"> into the white menu area below using the email you registered with, FIRST go to the menu and CLICK <img src="resources.jpg" width="" height="" alt="resources">. You can scroll in the white area for more. Follow green Directlinks to access the video calls on Microsoft (MS) Teams.
(link: "click here to visit the page")[(goto-url: 'https://bd.hack4socialgood.ch/event/1#resources')]
[[More about communicating|Communicating with other Participants.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]] The channels appear on the left side of the screen under the Team name "Hack4Social Good 2020".
<img src="full-msteams.jpg" width="750" height="411.76" alt="full-msteams">
Communication between the members of a challenge team occurs on the channel named after their challenge. Members can start video/audio meetings with any number of people, add and jointly edit files, share and schedule tasks and chat in groups or individually.
I want to learn about
[[Calling channel or smaller meetings.]]
[[Avoiding bloopers in MS Teams|Avoid bloopers.]]
[[More about communicating|Communicating with other Participants.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]] Here are instructions for starting your own meetings in Teams, for instance for your channel.
To start a meeting, hit the "(camera) Meet" button in the upper right corner.
<img src="meet.jpg" width="" height="" alt="meet">
This generates a screen where you can also choose to start with your camera off. After you hit "Meet now" to start a call, you can choose other participants on the right hand side of the screen.
<img src="meet2.jpg" width="349.49" height="250" alt="meet2">
Here are some of the meeting icons, their locations and their meanings.
Once you are in the meeting, there is a bar where you can
<img src="call-bar.jpg" width="" height="" alt="call-bar">
see how much time has passed
turn on and off your camera
turn on and off your microphone
share your whole screen or only one particular window or a whiteboard
click three dots which give added options, including live captions
raise your hand
open the chat
hide or show participants
and hang up.
[[More about communicating|Communicating with other Participants.]]
[[Thanks, I've got it now.]]